Would you believe there are tons of people enjoying all these outdoor activities, and adventure travel? The problem in the past is finding these people and their stories. These stories and pictures will be as unique as the people will. This is the place to read a short story, or a longer adventure. The goal is to laugh, commiserate, learn, or just enjoy. Pull up a chair and read away!
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Note: more stories can be found under Outdoor Activities in the specific sections' stories (backpacking stories, hiking stories, etc.).
Jack Lane
"You always look forward to tomorrow", wise words from a wise man, a man who has lived everyday with a special craving for knowledge and experience. This man is Jack Lane...
Two old gals on the John Muir Trail
My friend and I had both attempted a thru-hike of the JMT before. ... Mid-August we headed out as partners determined to make it to the summit of Mt. Whitney...
Camino de Santiago, 2011

Two days after my 55th birthday I boarded a plane bound for France. I was headed to Europe my first international backpacking adventure...
Dave Ulery: My story

I’ve been a pretty active person my entire life. Always liked playing and watching sports. Played all sorts of sports from golf, baseball, softball, football, racquetball, skiing, hacky sack, Frisbee, street hockey, ice skating...
Cycling at 65

I had ridden my mountain bike on the dirt roads and highways near my home, but it was never as comfortable or enjoyable as I thought it should be....
Ginny Adams and the Lazy Fox Inn

Now, you have to understand, this in not just an ordinary B&B. She rents out four bedrooms, all done up from a fantasy world of what we imagine a perfect Victorian room to be...
Geocaching is an activity where people use GPS receivers to hide and find containers called "geocaches". One quick description that is used is that it geocaching is a "hi-tech treasure hunt."
Canoeing Ol' Man River
I began my Mississippi River journey on 17 July 1990 and completed it three and a half months later at the Head of the Passes to the Gulf of Mexico....
Jordan River in Winter

If river rafting brings to mind shooting through whitewater rapids in a canyon with a name like; Devils Elbow, with dry suits and hard paddling just to stay in the boat ....
Mama Boots: Trail Angel - Mentor - Hero
A trail angel is someone who helps a hiker through acts of kindness. A kindness could be a hitch into town or back to the trail. It could be drinks and snacks left along the trail...
Hiker-Cyclist and the Tennessee Sr. Olympics
(trailname Jaybird)

Finding Nature Around Cities:
Janet Friedinger

Janet has always been active. She walks every day, loves downhill skiing in the winter and playing tennis in the summer. Never one to be content to let life just pass her by, she looks for forward to new adventures....
Jack Lane

"You always look forward to tomorrow", wise words from a wise man, a man who has lived everyday with a special craving for knowledge and experience.
Walking: Clayton Klein
Clayton Klein is all too familiar with the road from Paradise to Hell. Paradise to Hell, Michigan that is.
Walking: Lilllian Wiliams
Walking 60 miles in 3 days seems daunting to anyone, but to one 80 year young woman...
Backpacking: Singer
I just finished a four-day hike with some friends on the Monadnock to Sunapee Greenway Trail...
Read the story
Backpacking: Granny Doris Haddock
Granny Haddock, now 97, lives in the woods in New Hampshire...
Read the story
Backpacking: Tom Logsdon
Each spring about 2000 people begin the walk north from Springer Mountain, Georgia, on a foot path called the Appalachian Trail...
Hiking: Carol Pankratz
In 2003 my 2 high school girlfriends (class of '68) and I made plans to hike a part of the Appalachian Trail...
Backpacking: Verna "Grandma Soule"
My friend, my mentor, my hero. I had the pleasure of meeting Verna when I started backpacking...
Backpacking: Kathleen A. Cutshall
At the age of 50 I didn't know a thing about the Appalachian Trail...
Sea Kayaking: Stig Ørberg and Leif Neksoe
Stig Ørberg, 60 years old, wakes up in Denmark every morning at 5am then heads off to Kalundborg...