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Fifty Sense: Common Sense Ideas for Thriving after 50
Fifty Sense: Common Sense Ideas for Thriving after 50

Go Gaga

Fifty Sense Seal of Approval When we met Go GaGa's Founder Jill Cartwright at the Outdoor Retailer's Show and saw her bags, we were toting around the typical messenger bag for four days, complaining about all the weight. Luckily, she had brought a bag and an extra strap for us to try. All of a sudden, we were smiling as the weight spread across our shoulders. We became Jill's big promoter at the show by others asking how they too could be more comfortable.

For everyday, the Gondola is perfect with inside pockets and hidden places for water bottles. The Messenger with two water bottles pockets on the outside and large enough for a 15 inch computer, is stylish, yet functional with inside organization pockets and a pad to protect the computer. We found the strap is great to convert a diaper bag or existing bag into a comfortable wearing bag.

At Go GaGa, they design bags for real life – bags that are stylish, versatile, and best of all, comfortable to carry. The patent pending ergonomic strap not only spreads the weight of the bag across your back and shoulders, but also has a sleek style that suits men and women. You have the ability of spreading the strap out or keeping it tighter which is wonderful for nursing, pregnant, or breast cancer women.

The good news is that Go GaGa's bags are water and stain resistant, but we know that accidents do happen, so here are a few tips for cleaning your bag: For best results, they recommend spot cleaning. Begin by pre-treating the area with a color safe cleaner, such as Oxy Clean, then scrub with a damp cloth. For more intense messes, they recommend hand washing using laundry detergent.


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