Chair Yoga for You
We found this book perfect for those who can't do regular yoga, or just want easy exercises they can do at home, at work or traveling. Finally, someone has figured out that we are not all going to go to a class. When emailing back and forth to Barbara, she describes the benefits of this book and the authors better than we could so we are going to use her statements. We agree with all she says.
As stated by one of the authors, Barbara Stewart, "The benefits of yoga to those pursing the outdoor life at any age are myriad. I thank my yoga practice every time I swing my leg over that huge log (I am 5'2"), balance on wet rocks across the stream, squeeze between two boulders, trip and catch myself ( I once saved my face by "falling" into a perfect cobra).
I know yoga helped speed my recovery from broken bones, plantar fasciitis, strengthened my upper body and ankles. Chair Yoga for You is dedicated to the proposition that the wonderful benefits of yoga are available to all.
The co authors, Olivette (86), Clarissa (mother of young children) and I (retiree), are all actively teaching yoga. Olivette and I began teaching post retirement. Olivette began her yoga practice in her sixties, and completed her yoga teacher training when she was almost seventy. She was and is my mentor. I practiced and loved yoga for 30+ years, but had to wait until retirement to complete my month long training at the International Sivananda Vedanta Center. We are all trained in tradtional Hatha Yoga and passionate about the benefits of yoga.
In our practice we teach both chair yoga and traditional classes. It has become clear to us that students can make wonderful progress in inner calm, balance, flexibility, strength, and breathing practices using the chair as a tool. We both see the physical improvement, and hear our students testify to the benefits of the class. Students begin to release the chair, hold postures longer, sit and stand taller, etc. One of my favorite and most rewarding customs is to use the entry of a new person to the class as an opportunity to have each individual student express why they keep returning to class. "I feel stronger", "I have less pain", "I move better after class", I can reach farther", "I'm less tired", "I feel relaxed", and "My doctor recommended that I come". The latter is common both before and after surgeries.
Chair Yoga for You is based on the premise that the mental and physical health benefits of Hatha Yoga are available to all. You do not have to spread out a yoga mat to challenge and strengthen your flexibility, strength, balance, respiratory function and inner calm. Everyone can practice yoga under diverse conditions. Whether you are limited by place such as working in an office, travelling, or limited physically by a temporary or permanent injury, illness or disability Chair Yoga for You provides the tools to reap the positive effects of yoga practices.
Chair Yoga for You is an easy to follow practical Guide, illustrated with 82 pages of poses, photos, how-to descriptions and recommended sequences for students and teachers.
...Fiftysense Product Review Panel